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Date: 24 Jan, 2004
At "2003 Honors and Awards Presentation Ceremony", the office-bearers of the Chamber were granted the followings: Grand Lotus Honor Medal: Susana Chou, Honorary President of the Chamber Gold Louts Honor Medal: Ng Fok, Honorary President of the Chamber Silver Lotus Honor Medal: Wong Hau Hang, Honorary Director of the Chamber Merit Medal (by categories): Vitor Cheung Lap Kwan, Vice-President of the Board of Supervisors of the Chamber (Industrial & Commercial), Vong Kok Seng, member of the Board's Standing Committee of the Chamber (Industrial & Commercial), Sio Chi Wai, member of the Industrial & Commercial Affairs Dept. of the Chamber (Industrial & Commercial), Vong Hon Heng, Honorary Director of the Chamber (Tourism), Chan Chak Mo, member of the Board of Directors of the Chamber (Tourism), Choi Kai Yau, Honorary Supervisor of the Chamber (Education)